In Russian, the “ship” sounds as “carable;” the word has the same origin as the Italian “caravella,” French “caravelle,” and Spanish “carabele.” Russians call shipbuilders korabely (“carabely”), and hence comes the unofficial and very popular name of the Shipbuilding Institute and now Marine Technical University: Korabelka. Our University is often called Korabelka, and we love this well-liked name!
In its “pre-history”, when our university had been a department of St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute back in the early 20th century, this department was the most popular one: up to 20 applicants were aspiring for each student seat. And this popularity remained after the university (then institute) became a separate entity. In fact, this was exactly why it happened: the shipbuilding industry was growing fast, and more and more specialists were needed, as they stay being essential today.
The present-day shipbuilding and marine industry not only stays on high demand, but it has significantly expanded the area of its functionality: from ships, vessels and structures intended for marine and inland water operations to naval and commercial shipbuilding programs, commercial exploration of the Arctic oil and gas resources, and many other spheres.
Our University resourcefully combines advanced educational programs based on fundamental sciences in diverse spheres related to all above-named areas with a great location in the historical center of St. Petersburg, a city of many advantages for all its residents and visitors. Our educational facilities and dormitories are located in several districts of St. Petersburg, each of them being attractive and interesting in its own way.
Our educational fees are several times less than fees at comparable schools of higher education in Europe and many other countries, while we can offer not only a first-class education but also the variety of other wonderful possibilities in culture, travel, leisure, and sports in one of the most famous cities in the world – the city of St. Petersburg.