All graduate programs at the Marine Technical University are taught in Russian.
SMTU provides a wide range of graduate courses for international students. All our graduate courses are based on our undergraduate courses. However, we are happy to enroll holders of Bachelor’s degrees from other universities. We also offer a number of non-degree programs.
You can read more about specific programs following the links below link to Additional Educational Programs
Graduate study programs presume that you already have adequate command of Russian. However, if your Russian is not good enough for taking a program taught in Russian, you can learn it within a certain period of time of your choice at our partner St. Petersburg Polytechnic University preparatory department and then go on with your studies at SMTU in the program you have chosen. We also have complementary programs in Russian which you can enroll at while studying at our University link. Please contact our International Cooperation Department: e-mail, tel. +7 (812) 495-02-27 to find out the details for enrollment to the SPbPU preparatory department.
ADMISSION (contract-based studies):
Normally, the intermediate level TORFL certificate is required for admission to Russian higher educational institutions with obligatory study of Russian language in accordance with educational standards. In this case, in addition to this examination, the candidates must pass an additional test module of Russian language set on their professional orientation.
Please, be sure to contact the University International Department before arrival and inform them when you arrive!